Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, Shawn and I have been in Eielson now for a couple of days. It hasn't quite been a week yet, which oddly enough....feels like it should be longer. Now that we have a place to stay, and our things scheduled to be delivered, I feel like I can just, well, breathe!
 I have definitely had an adventurous past month! We traveled for almost a whole month to get here, with our road trip mixed in. I am so lucky I was able to see the Grand Canyon, or go to Las Vegas. I even got to "meet" a cousin of mine that I haven't seen since I was 12. This is definitely the trip of a lifetime that Shawn and I wanted to have!
So now, I have the next couple weeks to just sit down, and relax! I actually have NOTHING to do! LOL. We don't move into our house until the 25th of Feb. So we are staying in Military "TLF" or Temporary Lodging Facilities. There is a Teeny Tiny kitchen, a good for nothing bathroom, and a small room with a full sized bed..that is very very comfy! Our cats are happy cuz they get to relax again, and all in all life is good!
The funny thing about having nothing to do.. is that its pretty boring! :-D I don't have any of my pass time by activities like scrapbooking; I do have a couple books, but the rest are packed. I didn't think that I would need more than 2!! Here all i keep thinking about is getting my kitchen stuff unpacked and put away, getting our new home all set up...starting the new chapter to our lives.. and I get this beautiful relaxation time period in between...and I just want it to go by faster!! Ohh well. I guess that we will just have to sit down..and relax. LOL

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dear Suicidal People...

I would like to take this time and vent.

I am in the middle of a cross country trip to a new home with lots of possabilities! Yet, here I am in Canada pissed off. My husband gets notified off of a FACEBOOK MESSAGE CHAT THING..that one of his friends has shot herself. I know her from when I lived back in AK in the day, but I don't really know the girl...anyways. She left her 6 year old daughter without a mother and now for the rest of her daughters life she is going to know that her mom just didn't love her enough.
I dont really care what other people think about suicide. I get pissed off. I get pissed off because its the most selfish thing a person can EVER DO! All they are doing is taking the easy way out. They think there is no hope and leaving. They don't love their family, friends, no one. They are bloody selfish. They don't stop to think about what killing themselves will do to ANYONE! SELFISH SELFISH SELFISH!
I just want to spit! I don't think that anyone who kills themselves deserves a funeral a plaque nothing. Just a whole in the ground. In fact, whatever they wanted as their death wish (ie  have ashes spread..get buried in ground) you should do the opposite. Just because they dont deserve anything better the selfish jerks! UGH!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What it really means...

So, as Shawn and I are driving through the country,one of our stops is the  Grand Canyon in Arizona. In Phoenix AZ  I actually have a good portion of family from my moms side. (An Aunt/Uncle, and 3 cousins). So, Shawn and I contacted the only one of them I have the number to and decided that we were going to go a little ways out of the way to see her.
The thing with my family... my whole family minus my immediate (mom, dad, sis) grew up near one another. My dad was in the military and so we lived a looong ways away from everyone else. We didn't see each other for holidays all the time, or "just becauses". We weren't included in on Sunday brunches because we weren't there. I am the youngest of 6 cousins on my moms side of the family. My oldest cousin is 37 and I bring up the end at 25. There are 3 boys and 3 girls. Out of all of these cousins.. I am close with one ( we actually only just got close 5 years ago at my sister's wedding when we realized that we had a lot in common and we really weren't that far apart in age). And that is the girl Shawn and I are going to visit. The oldest 2 are boys and the last time I saw them I was 12 years old.
This fact never bothered me. I understood and grasped this concept of living away from family and considering the oldest 2 are nearly 10 and 13 years older than I am, it was no big deal that I didn't know them. Who is going to want to hang out with their kid cousin when they can go to a movie with their girlfriend? All this rambling that i am doing really does have a point.... I can honestly say for the very first time i met my 2nd oldest cousin this past weekend...and what do you know?! We hit it off fantastically! The 3 of us were like long lost..well cousins! It makes me so happy I actually hurt. I hurt because the only reason I am "meeting him" is because my husband and I have orders and we decided to make this a cross country journey! Because me seeing him now is probably only the 2nd or 3rd time I have actually EVER seen him. And it saddens me because we get along! Because before we decided to go out of our way.. I didn't care that I didn't know him...and now I do! Now I am very sad at the thought of leaving AZ. Now it hurts. It hurts that I didn't get to know my family more, and now I am going away. It sucks that I probably wont be able to see them again for another 4 years. I am normally very positive, but tonight I am just sad. Sad that I met someone I am related to at 25. Sad that his 2 children don't even know who I am. Sad that we hit it off fantastically....and now I am saying goodbye when I just said hello. Just sad.
We are continuing on with our journey starting again tomorrow. We got here Thursday night and have been here the whole weekend! It has been a blast (even though all i am doing is moping) I will cherish the couple days I had with my cousins until the next time I get to see them!
Until then.....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


WOW! Driving across the country can be pretty crazy! I am having an absolute blast with Shawn at the moment! We celebrated our 2 year anniversary the day we packed up! Amazing how I know some women who would be just soo ticked off that their anniversary was spent cleaning and packing and scrubbing floors....and driving... but.. that is just what we had to do! And we also did a redo anniversary the next day and had a relaxing day where we spent our honeymoon!
At this very moment, we are in Amarillo Texas. We have officially traveling for 4 days. Hopefully by tomorrow night we will be in Phoenix, but that really depends on how we feel. Our cats are not too happy about this whole thing, but they are getting better (most of the time).
It has been so amazing, some of the scenery we have seen and the places we are about to go and see!! There are the TV shows Man VS Food and Dives, Diners and Drive Ins. If we are close to one of the restaurants featured on those shows, we stop and eat there! We have had some pretty tasty food that is for sure! Including ribs in Memphis, TN and a steak in Oklahoma City, OK.
The closer it gets to the time we are headed to AK, the more I am getting excited! Yea sure, we don't have a place to stay right now, but I know that we will be fine and taken care of. It's a whole new life and we are about to get to experience it! Soon babies will come and white Christmas's! :-D EXCITING! That is really it for now, it feels like I should have a lot more to say..but really all i am doing is driving and sleeping! hah!
Until next time.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Crazy Little Adventure

Soooo, Shawn and I are in the middle of getting ready to go to bed on Thursday night, when I get a phone call from a former military spouse, and a friend of ours, who just moved back up to Ohio with her husband and kids. She is in the process of finishing up her degree and was afraid that she might have to come back down here to finish up the last couple classes that are required, instead of having to take 8 more classes up in Ohio because the credits didn't switch over. Anyways, she calls me and wants to speak with Shawn, I give her a bad time because she called my cell...then she breaks down in tears telling me that she was about 3 hours away from us when her breaks went out on her, and she almost rolled her truck and she is stranded.
Of course we wake up, grab almost every tool Shawn can think of possibly needing and head out on her little late night adventure. I did mention it was a 3 hour drive away right?? By the time we show up it's almost 1 in the morning and we are exhausted. After 3 hours of working on her truck, a trip to a 24 hour Walmart we are still no closer to fixing her break line than when we first pulled up. So after a half our of convincing her that we are not driving all the way back to Goldsboro and then back up there the next day, we all crash in a hotel.
So Friday morning we wake up, go to a local hardware store, get her new brake lines and install them. We have now been in this town for 12 hours trying to fix her truck! Luckily it did work and we were on our way back home by the 13th hour!
After all of this crazy day, we still got our trailer hitch installed on our truck, we cleaned out our Guest Bedroom completely, disassembled our table and are going to do more tomorrow. So it was not a wasted day of no productivity in regards to the move! We spent our very last Friday night in our home last night, but we also did find out that someone was approved to rent and that they will be moving in on the 15th (which is the day after we finish moving out) So that is one WONDERFUL stress off my shoulders.
All this packing and moving, it is exciting like i have said before, but scary! One of the things I keep thinking in the back of my head though is that no matter where I go, I know that Shawn and I will have the same military support that we got from this base. That is just something wonderful about the military! Everyone knows how everyone else feels, You are away from your family, your home. Maybe you spouse is deployed on the holidays, or you can't afford to go back home to your folks for the holidays.. it doesn't matter, you will have somewhere to go and someone to spend it with. When they say you join the military, you join one of the largest families, that is really true, because everyone helps one another out!

Alrighty! Well enough for today! I have an office to take apart! :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To a New Beginning

Well here goes my very first time ever blogging!! I have wanted to do this for a while, but never felt like I had a good reason, well as Shawn and I embark on the newest part of our journey together, I figured this would be the best time to start something like this.

With less that 7 days left in North Carolina, I am half excited and half nervous! We are about to travel across the country on our way to our new duty station Eielson AFB in Fairbanks, Alaska! Since Shawn and I don't have any kids, just two kitties, we decided to take this time to actually drive to AK!! We are stopping off at the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas as well as many other locations along the way.

I find this very exciting because I love to travel and go to new places and do new things you see. I moved around a bit as a kid and after a little while, decided it wasn't too bad of a gig. Every few years, you pack up and basically start over. If it weren't for some of these moves, i would have never met some of the best people I have ever met, and never would have experienced some major life changing/ altering  happenings! I can't wait for a white Christmas! I haven't had snow on Christmas in 13 years! I can't wait to go snow boarding, see the Northern Lights, drink the water! ( I was born and lived in the lower part of AK till I was 12)

At the very same time, I find this very scary! I have never been that far away from my family before, and Fairbanks ( if no one knows) is REALLY COLD! I don't mind the cold, in fact, winter is my favorite season! But I don't know how to drive in ice, or more than a couple inches of snow, at this point in time, we have no place to lay our heads at night (once we get up there) and we own a home in NC which means we have to find someone to rent our home here! I know that in the end, everything will be alright and that Shawn and I are taken care of. It is just a little scary to let go and just be ok with everything that we have no control over.

I hope that putting all these thoughts, fears, and any other emotion that comes along, down on "paper" I am able to relax and just enjoy the journey a little more. I am kind of the type of person that has to have my hands in everything, and there are definitely parts of this move I have NO CONTROL OVER! So here is to my new blob, and my new life! I look forward to sharing it!